Inter Library Loans
Inter Library Loans (ILL) is a service that enables libraries to borrow books, articles, and other materials from one another, providing users access to resources beyond their local library’s collection.
Inter Library Loans (ILL) Service
Masters and Doctoral students are entitled to an Inter-Library Loan service if they need books, theses or articles that are not available in the Vaal University of Technology Library. The preferred method of requesting Inter-Library Loan is via e-mail. Please contact your Faculty Information Librarian first to check if the item you are looking for is not available in the library collections.
If the item you need to get hold of is not available from our electronic journals A-Z list, library catalogue, Google Scholar or Google you can request the item from another library via Inter Library Loans.

Ms Nthabiseng Matunda
For inquiries about Inter-Library Loan, please contact us for more information.
You can also visit us on the third floor, first office on your left, at the Main Campus Library.