Self-love is the biggest love of them all
Self-love is the biggest love of them all
Londiwe Dube
Celebrating the month of love
While many of us spend much time longing for a perfect relationship and that perfect romantic partner to make us feel cherished and secure, the love we should all be seeking is love for ourselves.
This is the opinion of VUT occupational health nurse, Sister Elleanor Moloko who spoke at a Valentine’s Day event, “Soul Food for Valentine’s” organised by the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Library and Institutional HIV and Aids Unit (IHAU) departments.
“Learning to love ourselves empowers us to create the life we want and to experience joy and peace. Every relationship in our life will reflect this loving relationship and once we learn to love ourselves, we are capable of being loved and of loving others,” Sister Moloko said.
We search for love “out there” or we look for the “other half” to make us feel whole, often going through one relationship after another or staying in a dysfunctional one rather than facing life on our own. We search outside of ourselves to fill the emptiness inside, when we should be looking within for happiness.
The aim of the event was to encourage staff to view love in a different way and to express support for each other, even when in different departments. Staff was asked to make this a year of self-discovery: “Find your authentic self, remove your masks and learn to accept and love yourself for who you are. It is the most important relationship you’ll ever have.”
The event will be held at satellite campuses as well.