Health Sciences​

Welcome to the Department of Health Sciences which strives to train skilled medical laboratory technologists/scientists, Nurses, and healthcare professionals.

Ka Rona

Department of Health Sciences​


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Ikopanye le Rona

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Department of Health Sciences

Biomedical Technology

The department of Health Sciences – Biomedical Technology Section is currently offering the following programs:

– Bachelor of Health Sciences in medical laboratory sciences (BHSC:MLS)

– Advanced diploma in Biomedical Technology

– Postgraduate diploma in Biomedical Technology

What are the functions of a Medical Laboratory Scientist?

Qualified medical laboratory scientists are specialized health professionals who play an integral role in the healthcare of society by providing vital information about a patient’s state of health. Their input is necessary in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseases. They diagnose chemical, blood, immunologic, tissue, cellular disorders and the presence of microorganisms that cause diseases. They analyze human specimens such as blood, urine, sputum, stool, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, and synovial fluid, and more other specimens.


What are the functions of a registered nurse with Nursing (General, Psychiatry, Community Health) and Midwifery qualifications?

To render a professional service in providing care for patients to help manage their needs according to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, treat health conditions, prevent illness, and promote health. Nurses work with a team of other medical professionals, such as physicians and other healthcare specialist. Nurses work in a variety of environments including hospitals, clinics, schools, prisons, and rehabilitation centers. Essential responsibilities of nurses are recording medical history and symptoms, treatment, performing diagnostic tests, conducting physical examinations, monitoring patient’s health, providing support and advice to patients, operating medical equipment, and advocating for the health and well-being of patients.

For detailed information on the above courses check the faculty of applied and computer sciences brochure under courses and programmes

Phased out qualifications:

– Bachelor of Nursing (R425):

– B Tech Community Nursing:

– National Diploma in Biomedical Technology:

– Bachelor of Technology: Biomedical Technology:

– Diploma in Biomedical Technology:

– B Tech Biomedical Technology:

31 December 2023

31 December 2023

31 December 2023

31 December 2024

31 December 2024

31 December 2023

All phased out programs to be completed by 2023. No student will be allowed to continue with program beyond 2023 as it will no longer be on the system.

The last date of achievement indicates when a learner has to complete all the requirements for the specific qualification. The transcript of the learner/student should indicate that the qualification was achieved before or on the last date of achievement. The certificate may be issued the following year as part of the graduation ceremony.

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