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Department of Visual Arts and Design
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Department of Visual Arts and Design
Recent Research projects
Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design:
2022 – Investigating ways in which creative blocks are minimised for graphic design students at a University of Technology – V. Mulaudzi
2022– The influence of visual design on the spiritual lifestyle of Black students at a University of Technology – J. Lion
2022– The role of graphic design in consumer behaviour towards cosmetology in South Africa – B. Ngidi.
2022 – Effectiveness of political posters for information dissemination through graphic design – M. Raedani
2022- Exploring children’s learning experiences through the use of illustrated pop-up books – N. Shongwe
2021- The effects of cyberbullying on University of Technology students: An awareness campaign – E.P. Mukwevho
2021- The influence of graphic design on digital marketing and brand development- L. Masoabi
Masters in Visual Arts in Photography:
April 2023. Myburgh. JJ. Implementation of Arduino in the development of a cost-effective integrated Follow Focus Control System for photography.
Masters in Visual Arts in Multimedia:
April 2023. Multimedia Content Development for Social-Media Marketing in the Nature Tourism Sector. Foster. D.
Masters in Visual Arts in Fashion:
2022. Customer satisfaction: a study of home-based fashion entrepreneurs and custom-made garments. Homela, C.
MTech in Graphic Design:
2022 – “Personalising the elements and principles of Graphic Design: an exploratory autoethnographic case study” MTech Graphic Design, D. E. Van der Walt
MTech in Fine Art
2022. Symbolism in sangoma cloth: a South African printmaking journey from the liminal to the liminoid. Rankou-Radebe M. L.
MTech in Multimedia
2021. Visual Rhetoric as an Alienation device to countermark the empathetic impact of anthropomorphism in a PSA. Ebersöhn. A (Cum Laude)
MTech in Photography:
2020. A Method to establish the Sensitometric Characterisation of a Digital Still & Motion Camera (DSMC). Doman, J.A (Cum Laude)
2020. Using Digital Imaging Technology in the Port Natal Maritime Museum: A Case Study. Shangase, M.R.
2020. The Wedding Ritual: A Photographer’s Journey to Capturing Practice. Bogle, S.L
MTech in Fashion:
2019. Uses, challenges and training needs regarding business skills for fashion entrepreneurs in the Emfuleni Local Municipality. Nana, K.
2020. Fashion drawing skills training for unqualified Fashion entrepreneurs in the Emfuleni Local Municipality: a needs assessment. Strydom, L.
Studies in progress:
- Masters in Visual Arts (Fine Art). Site-specific Sculptural Celebration of Informal Waste Pickers in the Vaal Metropolitan Region
- through the Symbol of the Balaclava. L. Molomo.
- Masters in Visual Arts (Multimedia). Developing An “E-Welcoming” Customer Experience Through a New Media Landing Page for a Design Services E-Business Website. Manese. K.
- Masters in Visual Arts (Multimedia). The Impact of Digital Convergence on the Visual and Narrative Structure Design of Digital Documentaries by Adapting Analyses Models: A Comparison of Two Case Studies. Marx. E.
- Masters in Visual Arts (Multimedia). Mokoana. T.
- Masters in Visual Arts (Photography), Reconciling the Practice of Abstract Landscape Photography with the Wants of the South African Tourism Industry. Johnson. H.
- Masters in Visual Arts (Multimedia). Exploring the use of 2D digital character animation to enhance mathematics learning. A case study of rural public primary schools in the Lubombo region in Eswatini. Vilakati. P. M. V.
- Masters in Visual Arts (Fine Art), Utilising printmaking strategies to explore tensions between students and S.A universities between 2015 and 2019. Seokotsa. L.
- MTech (Fine Art), Ceramics and the ethics of care: towards a Feminist ethnography of female waste pickers in the Vaal Region. Moleko. L.
- Masters in Visual Arts (Fine Art), Trance and Flow Processes in Printmaking practice: Printing a trance dance healing ritual. Malebo. S.
- Masters in Visual Arts (Fine Art), A visual exploration of a lesbian’s life: liminalities through clothing. Sefothlelo. G.
- Masters in Visual Arts (Fine Art), A sculptural exploration of Zulu female dress through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and wants. Nkosi. A.
- PhD in Visual Arts, Reclaiming liberation struggle memories in a post-apartheid South Africa in the Sedibeng District Municipality through short animated films. MJ Makwela