Thank you session for the Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Thank you session for the Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Irene Moutlana was pleasantly surprised when she walked into Lapeng and was warmly received by colleagues who presented her with a cake, thanking her for her contribution and unconditional dedication to the institutio
Staff Reporter
The Corporate Affairs Department organised a small and intimate event to thank the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Irene Moutlana for her contribution to the university during her ten-year tenure.
The 2017 Autumn graduations was the final set of graduation ceremonies she attended before her departure, she will be going into retirement soon. The VUT Executive Management and all staff members who worked during the graduation ceremonies graced this occasion with their presence.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research, Prof Kuzvinetsa Dzvimbo said Prof Moutlana touched the lives of many people, not only at VUT, in South Africa, in the continent but globally in the course of her tenure. “You have left a legacy in this institution.” He further stated that Prof Moutlana deserved to be bestowed a status of being a Professor Emeritus to continue to keep ties with VUT for life. Professor Moutlana was highly praised as a product of one of the top universities in the world, Harvard University.
Prof Moutlana’s friend and former colleague at the University of Port Elizabeth and VUT, Professor Gordon Zide, said Prof Moutlana did not only leave a legacy but was a legacy herself. She has left imprints in the lives of many at VUT. Prof Zide echoed similar sentiment shared by Prof Dzvimbo, agreeing that Prof Moutlana should be granted a retirement card to allow her access to facilities at the University at any time. He said that VUT will always be her home.
In response to comments by her colleagues, Prof Moutlana said that she has never been touched by people the way VUT people have done to her. She was honoured and deeply touched by the gesture.