By: Nontobeko Moimane 16 September 2022
If an adage “Your background doesn’t determine your future”, is anything to go by, then Jack Mashele and Mxolisi Nkomonde, French Southern African Schneider Electric Centre (F’SASEC) Interns, embody that.
Coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, the two to do more than expected to ensure they change their background status, and their latest graduation is one such example. At the recent Vaal University of Technology’s (VUT) Spring Graduations, Jack Mashele (25) and Mxolisi Nkomonde (28) graduated with a Diploma in Public Relations Management and Diploma in Electrical Engineering, respectively.
Jack, the second born of seven children, who hails from Diepkloof, Soweto, always strives to improve the quality of life at his home. As the first one to graduate in his family, his wish is to one day buy his mother a stable home and believes this is the most significant change he wants to achieve for himself and his family.
On acquiring his qualification, he stated: “I cannot compare the feeling I have to anything, as it is a self-achievement, and I have been waiting for it”.
Similarly, Mxolisi together with his siblings were raised by their grandmother in Osizweni in Newcastle after their parents passed on while they were still young.
“I would have loved to have my mother and grandmother here to witness such an achievement. My grandmother couldn’t make it due to illnesses,” said Mxolisi.
He is dedicated to overturning his family situation, thus volunteering at the F’SASEC department to get more knowledge and skills about Electrical Engineering. He has started his journey of job hunting and hoping for the best. His advice to the young generation with disadvantaged backgrounds is to never lose hope and always strive to conquer and improve their situations. Just like jack, Mxolisi is also the first person in his family to graduate.
Mxolisi and Jack want to be an inspiration to all people who are from disadvantaged families and raised by single parents and grandparents to overcome all the challenges they face. IT IS POSSIBLE IF YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO IT!!!