
The Vaal University of Technology Convocation is an official body representing the university’s largest community, including alumni and key academic stakeholders.

Convocation of Vaal University of Technology

About the Convocation


The Convocation of Vaal University of Technology (VUT) is a statutory body that serves as the university’s largest constituency, comprising its alumni and key academic stakeholders. This body plays a pivotal role in the governance and strategic direction of the institution by facilitating alumni engagement and contributing to the preservation and enhancement of the university’s academic reputation.

Membership to Convocation is automatic upon the conferral of a diploma, or credit-bearing certificate. Additionally, academic staff and selected emeritus professors are included, ensuring a broad and representative body that upholds the interests of both past and present members of the university.


Non-Academic Member
Phokone Mapheto

President of the convocation
Mr. Makhosonke Sangweni

Mr David Motsaung

Deputy President of the convocation
Mr David Matsaung

Academic Member
Ms Moipone Mashiloane

Convocation is entrusted with the responsibility of deliberating on and providing input into matters concerning the university’s development as stated in Chapter 10 (5.3) of the VUT Government framework. Its key functions include

  • Electing the President of Convocation.
  • Electing three Executive Committee of Convocation (Exco).
  • Discussing and expressing opinions on issues affecting the university, including matters which may be referred to it by the council.
  •  Convocation ensures that alumni have a voice in shaping institutional policies, thereby safeguarding the credibility and value of a VUT qualification.
  • Through its structured engagement, Convocation strengthens networks with donors and stakeholders to secure funding opportunities for alumni and convocants in need of financial support to fostering a collaborative and progressive academic environment.

The Convocation of VUT comprises the following members:

  • All graduates and holders of diplomas or credit-bearing certificates from the university.
  • The Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, and all academic staff.
  • Former professors and associate professors who have been granted emeritus status by the Senate.

Since its inception, the Office of the Convocation has made significant strides in supporting students and fostering academic success through various initiatives:

  • Assisted over 220 convocants in settling outstanding fee debts, facilitated through donations and sponsorships.
  • Supported more than 160 students in the 2025 with their registration fees in collaboration with the Office of Resource Mobilisation and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation, Commercialisation, and Internationalisation (RICI).
  • The office of the President enabled the registration of over 25 postgraduate students, contributing to the advancement of higher education and research at the institution.

These achievements reflect the Convocation’s commitment to enhancing access to education, promoting academic excellence, and strengthening the university’s engagement with its alumni and broader community.

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