Accredited Journals
Accredited journals are recognized research output which meet specified criteria and therefore qualify for subsidisation by the Department of Higher Education and Training
Accredited Journals

Accredited journals are recognized research output which meet specified criteria and therefore qualify for subsidisation by the Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET). To receive subsidy or recognition for an article you have written, you should select a journal which is accredited from one of the lists below.
To determine a journal’s impact factor go to Journal Citation Reports
Lists acknowledged by the DHET Alphabetical integrated list of accredited journals for 2017 (including all 6 lists below)
Lists acknowledged by the DHET
Alphabetical integrated list of accredited journals for 2017
– Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection (previously called ISI) (2017)
– IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences) (2017)
– DHET Accredited Journals List of South African Journals(2016)
– Norwegian (2017)
– ScieLO SA (2017)
– Scopus (2017)