
The Communication and Education Department emphasizes practical skills for South Africa’s diverse society.

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Department of Communication and Education


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Department of Communication

The Department of Communication and Education is a service department for all the academic departments within the University. Communication subjects are offered as integrated modules within all qualifications offered within the University’s academic structure. Practical applications enable students to work independently as well as interdependently, with the focus on functioning effectively in a public and professional capacity within the multilingual and multicultural society of South Africa.

The only qualification in Education currently offered within the Department is the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE). The Department strives to expand the number of Education qualifications on offer and is in the process of applying for accreditation to offer both undergraduate and more postgraduate qualifications in Education.

To be admitted to the Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education the candidate should have at least a Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) or an Advanced Diploma. Course participants must be proficient in both written and oral English, be computer literate and have reliable access to the internet to support the teaching and learning experience. Students who do not meet the requirements could apply for admission based on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

The duration of the PGDHE is one-year full-time, or two years’ part-time. Full-time students study four (4) modules a semester over two semesters (eight modules a year). Part-time students do two (2) modules a semester or four (4) modules a year and eight (8) modules over two years.

The PGDHE is offered throughout the University’s academic year on Friday afternoons from 15:00 – 19:00, and on Saturdays from 08:00 – 14:00.

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