Thojo ya maikutlo ya baithuti

Student Counselling & Support is committed to offer quality support services to VUT students.

Thojo ya maikutlo ya baithuti

We’re here to help you succeed and to lend a helping hand. SCS guarantees professional help, confidentiality, and understanding. We offer a variety of services, including individual psychotherapy or counselling, group counselling, workshops, career guidance, psychometric testing, social work services, spiritual guidance, and crisis support. Our role is to be a support structure for students in times of need, as well as to inspire and aid them in developing and reaching their optimal wellness potential in all dimensions of life, ranging from emotional, social, physical, connectivity, spiritual, growth, and influence.




This is one-on-one therapy/counselling sessions with a trained professional.

We offer individual counselling for a variety of issues, including (but not limited to):
Eating Disorders
Substance Abuse
Relational Problems
Personal Problems
Personal Development



Counselling with a small group of students who share similar concerns. Group counselling can be a helpful way to learn from others and get support from people who understand what you are going through.



We offer a variety of workshops on topics such as

Stress management
Time Management
Study Skills
Assertiveness Training
Communication Skills
Goal setting & Motivation
Mental Health Related Topics



These services include career guidance and career counselling, psychometric testing, workplace preparations (i.e., CV writing, job hunting skills, interview skills), and academic support (i.e., Study skills, time-management, exam preparation, and exam anxiety).

Prospective students and External Clients can liaise with our department to enable them to make appropriate subject (Grade 9) and career (Grade 11/12) choices as well as graduate career development decisions. Contact our office for more information on payment and procedures.



At SCS we strive to promote and address social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment of students. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility, and respect for diversities are central to us. We engage students and structures to address life challenges and enhance well-being.



This is a form of counselling that integrates spiritual and religious beliefs into the counselling process. This can be helpful for students who are struggling with issues that have a spiritual or religious component, such as (but not limited to):

Religious doubt or questioning
Grief or Loss
Moral Dilemmas
Spiritual Abuse
Personal Growth
Pastoral guidance can help students to explore their spiritual beliefs and values, find meaning in their experiences, and make decisions that are aligned with their faith. Services can be accessed at the Chapel (Main Residence).

We are here to support students in their time of need. We hope to inspire and help students reach their full potential in all areas of their lives. We believe that all students deserve to reach their full potential. At Student Counselling & Support we are here to help you with any challenges you might be facing during your time at VUT. We are committed to providing professional, confidential, and supportive services to all students.



Counselling is the process whereby you (the client) meet with a trained professional (the counsellor/psychologist/psychometrist/social worker/pastoral counsellor) to talk over an issue or problem. Our basic principle is that most people is capable of solving their own problems and the professional facilitates this process.



Based on your concerns and indications on the intake form, you will be assigned a consultation with one of our professional staff. As SCS works in a multidisciplinary team, you can also be referred to other members of staff for relevant interventions.



All sessions are free for registered students of VUT.



Staff at SCS are bound by external governing bodies (HPCSA/SACSSP) and ethical codes of conduct to protect personal information of clients (you the students). As a client of SCS you will be treated with respect and all information will be considered confidential.

If you were referred by any other person (lecturer, parent, campus clinic, doctor, residence supervisor etc.) where feedback is expected, staff may inform that person that you have attended a session at SCS. Any additional information will only be divulged with your permission (consent).



Upon your initial session with relevant staff, your counsellor/therapist will decide whether they can help you, or if a referral is necessary (either on or off-campus). The outcome of counselling/therapy depends on several factors such as your motivation and commitment to overcoming the problem, your self-awareness, and how well you and your counsellor can work together. Your counsellor/therapist does not give advice, try to persuade you, or impose his/her beliefs on you. The process of counselling is embedded in empathy, understanding, and non-judgement. It is a process of facilitation and guidance for you to come to your own decision regarding solving your problem.



You can contact SCS on the telephone number provided above, send an email to, or visit our SCS offices situated at P-Block (P021) Ground Floor.

Ikopanye le Rona

Building: P-Block (P021-Ground Floor)

To book an appointment students can phone the SCS office number, email us, or visit the office to book a session. In case of after-hours emergency please reach out to any of the emergency contact numbers below.

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