VUT library celebrates National Library Week
VUT library celebrates National Library Week
Students attending the National Library Week
Qhawekazi Memani
VUT students and some of the library staff gathered at the VUT library in celebration of the national Library week and the right to access of information under the theme “My library your library”.
Lionel Luvhengo: library and information services head of Department welcomed the students to the event and said library week goes with human rights and was launched nationally in 2001. He also explained the different roles the library plays.
Library week is celebrated nationally every year with a different theme. This year’s VUT my library theme was based on different talents the VUT students possess. Amazing talents shown by VUT students through dance pieces, hip- hop and poems in line with the theme.
A very touching and inspiring story of how determination and focus can change your life, was shared by Martin Sibanda, a second year PR, owner of Polite Communication Holdings students and an ex-convict. He motivated the students and encouraged them to know themselves, to know what they want in life. It’s time to make a difference, Mandela, Tambo and lecturers have made their mark. Define all odds against you”, he said
Participated students walked away with great prizes.