VUT encourages a Green Campus
VUT encourages a Green Campus
Students at the Green Campus Initiative
Thabiso Sechele
The Green Campus Initiative, promoting a clean and environmentally friendly campus, was launched at VUT Amphitheatre on 12 May.
With the message “Green is back” under the hashtag #greenisback, Residence Living and the Learning Department organised the event to inspire students to keep their surroundings clean and neat and to live a healthy lifestyle.
All of this was achieved by creating ways to motivate students to participate and interact with the initiative. Students were informed of the many ways of reusing and recycling items through creative exhibitions by organisers and their team of enthusiastic students. They were shown various ways of recycling tins, paper, plastic, bottles, garden waste and laundry.
They were then enticed to participate in activities such as using recycled material to create fashion pieces or writing poetry linked to the message of the day. Other activities were dance and music.
Special guests Tigers MCC entertained students with bike revving and tricks that everyone enjoyed.
Nqobile Nkosi, a Mechanical Engineering student, said the event was fun and that all her friends were talking about.
“It was an amazing experience to work on this project with the whole team from management to residence warriors,” said Pakiso Tjotjo, Residence Life Officer.
This event was hailed a success as a huge number of students signed a pledge to support the initiative.