F’SASEC, the French Southern African Schneider Electric Education Center, equips underprivileged students with essential electrical and energy skills. 


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French Southern African Schneider Electric Education Center


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The French Southern African Schneider Electric Education Center (F’SASEC) was officially opened in 2012 and formed as part of an initiative from the French Ministry of Education and Research, through a partnership with Schneider Electric and the Vaal University of Technology in Vanderbijlpark.

This tripartite partnership is expressed as a training centre which prepares underprivileged students to become artisans and electricians who are employable. F’SASEC creates an effective link between universities and TVET colleges. The program is an answer to the issue of alleviating the lack of skilled workers in South Africa.

F’SASEC makes use of state-of-the-art facility and training centre, a highly competitive F’SASEC team, a strong partnership with industry and business, the F’SASEC-specific research arm, and a rigorous and sustainable revenue generation plan.

In addition to F’SASEC at the Vaal University of Technology, there are centres at the University of Johannesburg; Sedibeng TVET College Vaal Triangle; the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and Cape College, Eastcape Midlands College bringing the total number of FSASEC centres in South Africa to five.

F’SASEC offers a 1-year training program in Domestic Installation and Industrial Wiring, basic computer literacy and entrepreneurship development. Furthermore, the centre of excellence offers short courses in Solar and PLC.

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