4th International Multidisciplinary Information Technology and Engineering Conference (IMITEC 2024)

IEEE Explore ISBN: 979-8-3503-8798-8


Call for Papers

Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished work for possible presentation at the conference. All papers will be evaluated based on their originality, vital insights, experimental evaluation, and potential for long-term impact; new-idea papers are encouraged. Papers will be double blind peer reviewed. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE digital library. Authors are therefore invited to submit their original research work under the following themes:

  • Informatics and Decision making

    o   Business informatics and Decision making

    o   Healthcare Informatics and Decision making

    o   Cognitive Informatics and Decision making

    o   Collaborative e-commerce

    o   Semantic Business Process Management

    o   Supply Chain Processes

    o   Ontologies for Enterprise Content Management

    o   ERP Implementations

  • Data Science and Data Engineering

    o   Data science and big data analytics

    o   Data Mining and Big data

    o   Computational models for data science

    o   Natural Language Processing

    o   Data Warehousing and Data Fusion

    ICT for Development and Society

    o   ICT in Agriculture, ICT for Climate Change and Environment

    o   e-Government, e-Education, e-Health, e-Banking, e-Commerce, e-Business

    o   Edutainment, Digital Divide, Digital Exclusion and Digital Identities

    o   ICT Policies, Infrastructure and its Impact on Society

    o   ICT in Early Childhood Education, Schools, Higher Education

    o   Innovations in e-Learning, Mobile Learning, Social Media

    • Artificial Intelligence

    o   Robotics and Process automation

    o   Data quality evaluation for AI applications

    o   Web services and service-oriented architectures for collaborative internet services

    o   Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement and Pattern Analysis

    o   Crowd sourcing and swarm intelligence

  • o   Fuzzy control and intelligent systems

    o   Genetic algorithms, search-based techniques and heuristics.

    o   Cognitive systems and applications

    • Computer Networks and Application

    o   Health networks and services

    o   Distributed systems

    o   Emerging Network Technologies

    o   Mobile and Wireless Communications

    o   Geographical Information Systems

    o   Knowledge-Based Systems and Knowledge Discovery

    • Computer and Information Security

    o   Cyber science and data science

    o   Security, privacy and trust in collaborative computing

    o   Privacy, security and data integrity

    o   Computer Crime Analysis and Prevention

    o   Digital Trust, Reputation, Policies and Threat Patterns

    o   Legislation and Compliance, Laws and Ethics.

    • Digital Engineering and Application

    o   Intelligent and smart grid system

    o   Satellite, radar and microwave techniques

    o   Digital Signal Processing

    o   Power, Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics and Energy

    o   Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation

    • Cloud and Grid Computing

    o   Social Computing

    o   Semantic Computing

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