The registration is done online on ITS I-enabler platform, which is a self-help/online system. The system is accessible off-campus for your convenience. You do not have to stand in long queues and do not have to physically come to campus.
Step by Step Guide #1-4
To facilitate a smooth registration process, please find below essential information regarding payment, guidelines, support staff, and our online registration system
Registration Payment
Payment can be made at any Absa branch or Absa ATM at least an hour before starting the registration process. If payment is made from another bank it must be done at least 48 hours before starting the registration process. Confirmed NSFAS funded students and other sponsored students may not be required to pay the Registration fee. National studentregistration fee: R2 500.00. International student registration fee: Total annual tuition fees (100%) National Residence student registration fee: R2 500.00 International residence student registration fee: Total annual tuition fees (100%) Banking details Bank Name: ABSA BANK Account Number: 40-6812-6832 Branch Code: 632005 Reference: Student Number