VUT FM hosts a successful AGM, Welcomes new Board for 2025-2026

26 March 2025 | Story: Qhawekazi Memani| Photo: Peter Masela.

3 minutes read time.

On 19 March 2025, the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) FM held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Desmond Tutu Great Hall, marking the transition to a new Board for the 2025-2026 term. The AGM brought together key stakeholders, including the VUT FM Board of Governors, station management, VUT staff and students, and community members.

Outgoing Chairperson Ms Ndumi Lufele, also the VUT Stakeholder Engagement  Director, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve over the past two years (2023-2024). She highlighted the Board’s key achievements, which included securing funding, improving infrastructure, and strengthening compliance with broadcasting regulations.

One of the significant accomplishments was the approval of a grant application by the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) in 2022, amounting to R1,950,000. “This funding facilitated the renovation of two state-of-the-art studios, completed in August 2023. Additionally, a generator and UPS system were donated to mitigate power outage disruptions, and a vehicle was secured for station operations,” she said.

Ms Lufele further showed that the outgoing Board also addressed regulatory challenges, ensuring compliance with the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) regulations, particularly regarding language representation in programming and the mandated 80% local music content. “The Programming Committee played a pivotal role in conducting research to understand listener preferences and improve content delivery,” she added.

During the AGM, VUT FM Station Manager, Mr Mxolisi Ndongeni, presented a report highlighting the station’s key achievements, including its compliance with the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) regulations. He emphasised that ICASA is pleased with the station’s adherence to broadcasting standards and compliance policies, reinforcing VUT FM’s credibility in the media landscape. He also provided an update on the station’s financial status, noting that it is in its early stages of becoming self-sustaining, as mandated.

Additionally, Mr Vido Kungune, Acting Director of the Internationalisation Office and outgoing Deputy Chair of the Board, addressed the AGM on constitutional amendments made during their term. He emphasised how these amendments strengthened governance structures and ensured the station’s continued growth and sustainability.

As the outgoing Board concluded its term, Ms Lufele announced the approval of seven staff members by the VUT Management Committee to serve on the 2025-2026 VUT FM Board. The approved members are as follows:

  • Mr Teboho Bojabotseha – Acting Manager: Social Justice and Transformation; Lecturer: Tourism and Integrated Learning
  • Mr Jacob Thamaga – Manager: African Languages Development Unit
  • Mr Kwetepe Matlakala – Language Practitioner (Centre for Academic Development)
  • Mr Judas Mabilu – HR Business Partner
  • Ms Nkuly Khumalo – Lecturer: Visual Arts and Design
  • Ms Sibongile Mokaeane – Lecturer: Public Relations
  • Ms Louisa Japtha – Lecturer: Legal Department

The outgoing Chairperson commended the commitment and contributions of the previous Board, acknowledging the support received from station management, Marketing and Communications Department, and administrative staff.

“As VUT FM enters a new era, the incoming Board is expected to build upon the progress made and unity, ensuring that the station continues to serve as a vibrant and financially viable community platform,” said Mr Alone Pilusa, National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) representative, Station Manager at Merafong FM, and facilitator of the AGM.

The station remains committed to educating, informing, entertaining, fostering engagement with stakeholders and maintaining compliance with broadcasting regulations.

The AGM concluded with an optimistic outlook, setting the stage for continued growth and success for VUT FM under the new leadership.

Outgoing Board

Great appreciation is extended to the outgoing board for their dedication and contributions:

Mr Mxolisi Ndongeni – ex-officio

Ms Ndumi Lufele – Chairperson

Mr Vido Kungune – Deputy Chairperson

Mr Jacob Thamaga- Treasurer

Dr Lehlohonolo Masitenyane – Chair of Programming Committee

Mr George Mvalo

Dr Sibusiso Mchunu

Ms Matshepo Mathumbo – Community Rep

Mr Knowledge Manana

Ms Kedie Mokotsi – ex-officio

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